Quick Guide on Mobile Optimization


Did you know that mobile devices accounted for 52.2% of web traffic in 2023?

Understanding mobile optimization

Mobile optimization enables your site to be accessible and enjoyable on mobile, adapting layout, media, and loading time. Here are the two main approaches:

Responsive Design: A web development approach that adjusts your site to various devices. The aim is to make web pages easy to read and navigate.

Dedicated mobile site: Specially designed and optimized for mobiles, it offers optimal performance and loading speed. Unlike responsive design, it adapts a single site for all devices.

The challenges of mobile optimization

Google officially adopted mobile-first indexing in 2020, underlining the importance of mobile performance for your visibility and ranking in search results. Worth knowing:

User experience: Effective optimization improves accessibility and engagement. 53% of visits are abandoned if a mobile site takes more than 3 seconds to load.

SEO impact: Good mobile optimization affects your search engine positioning: 79% of keywords rank differently between mobile and desktop versions.

Conversion rate: Optimized mobile sites achieve conversion rates up to 64% higher than non-optimized sites.


Solutions and best practices

To optimize your website, priority must be given to user accessibility. Here are a few points to bear in mind:

Test your site: Use tools such as the Google Mobile-Friendly Test to assess your site's mobile compatibility and guarantee its optimization.

Adopt a Responsive Design: Make sure your site automatically adapts to the size and type of screen used, for a fluid, consistent experience.

Improve loading speed:

  • Perform a mobile optimization test with Google
  • Modify CSS, JavaScript and the number of HTTP requests
  • Use optimized images
  • Implement lazy loading*to improve loading speed

Lazy loading: technique that loads site resources when they appear in the user's visible zone.

Adapt your content and buttons:

  • Create concise, clear texts
  • Use fonts that can be read on small screens
  • Design buttons large enough and spaced far enough apart

Integrate a plugin: Use a tool like Webyn to analyze the origin of your visitors' traffic via mobile or desktop, so you can personalize your site's content according to their origin and behavior.

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