An Internship Experience Like No Other

When Jeanne began her internship as an SDR at Webyn, she was primarily looking to join a company where she could not only develop her professional skills, but also find a working environment that matched her personal values. What she found at Webyn quickly exceeded her initial expectations.

Her experience, in her own words:

From the very first days, Jeanne felt the special energy that reigns at Webyn. Here, values such as “Go Big or Go Home”, “Street Fighters”, and “Team Always First” are not mere slogans, but living principles that guide the actions and interactions of every team member. For Jeanne, this immersion in such a strong corporate culture was a real revelation. She quickly realized that Webyn was not just another start-up, but a place where collective ambition and individual resilience combine to create a unique dynamic.

A typical day at Webyn:

Jeanne's daily routine begins over a cup of coffee with her colleagues. This morning moment is much more than a simple break; it's a ritual that reflects the spirit of camaraderie that drives the team. At Webyn, hierarchies are flat, and interactions are fluid, fostering a genuine team spirit. Whether intern, work-study student or permanent employee, everyone is encouraged to share ideas, challenges and successes.

After this time of informal exchange, Jeanne and the other SDRs embark on their first “Power Calling” session. This daily practice involves making calls to prospects, but always in a spirit of collaboration. Working together in the same room creates a collective emulation, where everyone motivates the others to give their best. This is one aspect of her internship that Jeanne particularly appreciated: the opportunity to progress alongside colleagues ready to help each other every step of the way. Lunch is another highlight of the day. Far from being a simple break for a bite to eat, it's a further opportunity to strengthen the bonds between team members. At Webyn, these moments of conviviality are essential to maintaining a positive and inclusive working atmosphere.

Internship challenges: learning from every situation

Like any internship, Jeanne's was not without its challenges. One of the biggest was dealing with the frustration of less productive periods, when results were slow in coming despite hard work. However, rather than being discouraged, Jeanne quickly learned to see these moments as learning opportunities.

At Webyn, failure is never seen as an end in itself, but as a necessary step in the growth process. The team encourages a culture of constructive questioning, where every difficulty is analyzed to learn from it. Thanks to this constant support, Jeanne has been able to transform her moments of doubt into opportunities for personal and professional development.

Over and above her technical skills, it was above all in the area of soft skills that Jeanne felt a real evolution. The ability to express herself well, to manage stress, to listen attentively to the needs of others: these are all qualities she was able to hone over the course of her internship. These skills, while essential in a professional environment, also prove invaluable in her personal life, making Jeanne's experience at Webyn all the more rewarding.

Webyn: an inclusive, collaborative ecosystem

One of the aspects that sets Webyn apart from other start-ups is undoubtedly its corporate culture, deeply rooted in the values of collaboration and mutual support. This culture is not limited to simple professional interactions; it is also expressed through the many initiatives aimed at strengthening the bond between team members.

For example, Webyn regularly organizes “onsites”, events where the whole team, including those working remotely, meet on site for a few days. These moments are an opportunity to get to know each other better, to share experiences, but also to take part in after-work activities, thus reinforcing the community spirit. Jeanne particularly remembers these moments as unique opportunities to forge strong bonds with her colleagues, in a setting that is both professional and relaxed.

Beyond these one-off events, it's the day-to-day life at Webyn that bears witness to a genuine culture of inclusion. Every member of the team is encouraged to take the initiative, put forward ideas and play an active part in the life of the company. This inclusive approach creates a working environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to give their best.

The company values

Webyn's values, such as “Go Big or Go Home”, “Street Fighters”, “Team Always First”, “Excellence and Efficiency”, and “Move with Urgency and Focus”, are more than just abstract concepts. They translate into concrete, day-to-day actions, guiding not only the company's strategic decisions, but also individual behavior within the team.

“Go Big or Go Home”, for example, reflects the boundless ambition that drives Webyn. Every project is approached with a conquering mentality, where we don't hesitate to aim high and push back the frontiers of innovation. This philosophy has been a constant source of inspiration for Jeanne, who has seen first-hand how this proactive attitude translates into concrete results for the company.

“Street Fighters” expresses the resilience and determination that characterize the Webyn team. Faced with challenges, the team is always ready to overcome obstacles, adapt and persevere until it reaches its goals. For Jeanne, this value has been particularly influential, teaching her the importance of never giving up, even in difficult times.

Finally, “Team Always First” underlines the importance of teamwork at Webyn. Every success is celebrated as a team victory, and every difficulty is shared to find the best solutions together. This value enabled Jeanne to feel fully integrated from the very first day of her internship, and to play an active part in the group dynamic that is Webyn's strength.

An internship that changes everything

Jeanne's experience at Webyn shows just how much more an internship can be than just a line on a CV. It's a real immersion in a professional world where the values of ambition, resilience and collaboration are not just empty words, but realities lived out on a daily basis. For Jeanne, this internship was a unique opportunity to grow, both professionally and personally, and to discover what it really means to be part of a close-knit, motivated team.

Whether it's an internship, a work-study program or a permanent job, joining Webyn means choosing excellence, innovation and teamwork. It's also, and above all, the opportunity to live an enriching experience, at the heart of a start-up where every day is a new opportunity to push back the limits and surpass oneself.

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