Record conversion uplift with just a CTA

Experimentation B2C Full Website Lead Generation
Conversion Rate Uplift


Inter Invest, a leading player in investment and wealth management, specializes in structuring innovative investment solutions for private individuals and professionals. For over 30 years, Inter Invest has supported its customers in a wide range of investments, including overseas investments, SME financing and the management of innovative financial products.

In a context of increasing digitalization, Inter Invest was looking to optimize the online subscription experience to facilitate access to its offers and maximize visitor conversions.

Identified issue

The analysis of user behavior, in particular via heatmaps, revealed that the “Subscribe 100% online” CTA, positioned in the site's pre-header, suffered from a lack of visibility and was not clicked sufficiently. Several problems were identified:

  • Limited affordance: The design, and its size, didn't grab users' attention enough.
  • Suboptimal positioning: Located in the pre-header, the CTA was only visible when users scrolled up, making access less fluid.

Studies have shown that user attention is concentrated above the waterline (Nielsen Norman Group), and that prominent CTAs significantly increase conversion rates.

Proposed solution

To solve this problem, Webyn worked hand-in-hand with Inter Invest to review the positioning and appearance of the CTA:

  • Strategic realignment: The CTA has been moved to the header and turned into a sticky, making it visible and accessible at any time during the user's navigation, wherever they are on the page.
  • UI improvement : The button's design has been reworked, with particular attention paid to its size, colors and overall appearance, with the aim of making it more engaging and increasing its click-through rate.


These changes had a significant impact: the conversion rate for online subscriptions increased by 298%. This optimization, combining intelligent CTA repositioning and improved visual affordance, directly contributed to improved site performance and online subscriptions.


Future opportunities

Following these convincing results, further experimentation may be considered with Inter Invest, such as testing various CTA wordings or color variations to push conversion optimization even further and explore new ways to improve the user experience.

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